Old Kindle/New Kindle

Friday, October 28, 2011

Junk Mail Gift Wrap

Does junk mail make you see red? If you have presents to wrap this holiday season seeing "red" could be a very good thing. By training your eye to spot the festive colors and holiday symbols that abound in junk mail, you may just discover an unlimited and free source of gift wrap.
We all hate junk mail but with a little creativity you can turn it (flyers, glossy newspaper inserts, and unsolicited mailings) into gorgeous and very green wrapping paper. Best of all, with these Planet Green tips, the lucky recipients will be totally wowed. And you'd have found a new way to persuasively, but gently, green your world.
As a warm up to the holiday fun, we'll be sharing our five tips on using junk mail as gift wrap. For starters, we'll teach you how to spot the holiday symbols.

Spotting the holiday symbols is a fun activity once you get the hang of it. Your whole family can join in (if you let them in on this little secret.) First off, let's tip our hat to the skills of the advertising folks who design the dreaded junk mail. They are masters at evoking feelings. They know just the heartstrings to pull, and the buttons to push, to make us nostalgic for holiday celebrations.

So exploit the ad gurus' talents to your advantage! Sort through your junk mail, or glossy newspaper inserts now. See if you can spot any Santa's, snowmen, stockings, sleighs, mugs of hot chocolate, gingerbread men, evergreens-you get the idea! In our home, our junk-mail pile is full of holiday imagery just perfect for gift wrap. All of the gift-wrapped images featured here, and on the next four days, were made from actual junk mail our family received recently.


Small Footprints said...

Wow ... that wrapping paper is beautiful! What a clever idea. I don't actually receive junk mail these days ... sites like catalog choice have been successful in eliminating most of it. A few pieces do, however, sneak in during the holidays. I've used it as wrapping but never got that creative. I'm bookmarking this post for future, creative reference. Thanks for sharing! :-)

Unknown said...

Footprints, yes I thought this was pretty cool and nifty. Glad your like it enjoy:)

Charissa said...

I can only see the first image but using junk mail for gift wrap is a great idea! How did you make this?